Building R 3.3.0 for Debian wheezy
by Jens Preussner
The R version 3.3.0 was released today (hooray!). It relies on a curl library version of newer than 7.28. Unfortunately, the latest curl available to wheezy is version 7.26. Instead of using backports and/or update to a newer curl version from jessie, I decided to have the newest curl in a non-standard directory and reconfigure R to use the newest version:
When configuring curl, make sure that HTTPS is listed as one of the supported protocols, since the new R version relies on HTTPS from curl.
Then, download the R source code, configure and build:
In the code snippet above, we set the two environmental variables LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS to the corresponding paths in the curl installation. This will make R use the newest curl.
Bonus: If you keep your R libraries in a separate folder and you want to update all packages, use the command below:
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